Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Cabinet, Tuesday 8th November 2016 6.30 pm (Item 2.)

Councillor Mrs Macpherson

Cabinet Member for Leisure, Communities and Civic Amenities


To consider the attached report.


Contact Officer:  Will Rysdale (01296) 585561


(a)          Decision(s)


That, having noted the position concerning "Play around the Parishes" and the purple flag scheme, the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Leisure and Civic Amenities, be authorised to implement the proposals set out in the Appendix attached to the Cabinet report.


(b)          Reason(s) for Decision(s)


To accord with the Council’s decision to operate in a commercial manner, mitigating the significant reductions in Central Government support by a combination of efficiency savings, income generation and new ways of delivering services which do not require direct Council resource input.


(c)        Alternative Options Considered


To continue to provide services in the traditional manner, but this is not an option in the current and likely continuing severe financial climate and the Council needs to explore all the options for on-going service delivery.


(d)       Relevant Scrutiny Committee


Environment and Living.  That Committee has already had an opportunity to consider this matter and was supportive of the proposals.  However, the Committee asked that Equality Impact Assessments be carried out in respect of the services in question.  These had subsequently been carried out and the outcome was summarised in the Cabinet report.  Cabinet noted that it had been concluded that AVDC should continue to offer the "Play Around the Parishes" scheme, although continue to examine alternative means of funding, and the "Purple Flag" accreditation.


(e)        Conflicts of Interest / Dispensation(s)





The Council was seeking ways to mitigate continuing reductions in Government funding support and had embarked upon a major transformational programme designed to maximise income generation and efficiencies to ensure continued delivery of those services most valued by customers.  The changes would enable the Council to operate in a more commercial way.  As part of the commercial AVDC programme a review of the Communities Team had been undertaken and details of the outcome of the review formed an Appendix to the Cabinet report.


The current Communities Team sat within the Community Fulfilment Sector and comprised various sub teams including Community Safety, Community Engagement, Grants and Projects Support and the Communities Delivery Team.  The role of these teams varied dramatically, with each providing a range of both statutory and discretionary services.  There was however little doubt that the work of the Team as a whole provided major benefits to the community in line with the Council’s mission to ensure the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the Vale.


The review report had been considered by the Environment and Living Scrutiny Committee which was largely supportive of the proposals.  However the Committee had asked for equality impact assessments to be undertaken in relation to those services that were at risk.


Cabinet was advised that subsequently Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) had been completed for the 16 projects that were either recommended for cessation or where it was proposed to examine alternative ways of delivery.  The aim for the majority of the projects was to find a new provider, but for the purposes of the EIAs it had been assumed that all the projects would stop if AVDC ceased funding them.  The EIAs had looked at whether there would be a detrimental impact on any of the nine protected characteristics if cessation were to be pursued.


Of the 16 assessments, 5 projects were ones which the Council supported, but which were run by other organisations.  The impact of stopping Council support was minimal as the projects would continue to operate without AVDC’s support.  In examples such as the Funding Fair, the remaining partners might choose to hold the event in the south of the county which could mean that it was more difficult for Aylesbury Vale residents to attend, but this would not have a detrimental effect.  The "Purple Flag" submission also fell into this category because even if the Council ceased applying for the accreditation, community safety work would continue to ensure a safe night time economy.


Seven of the projects could be categorised as being one off or an annual programme of events which were promoted broadly to all sectors of the community, but not specifically to any one.  These projects had different attendees year on year depending on the location, date of the event and type of performance offered, for example, in the case of the "Theatre in Villages" and "Music in quiet Places".  For these reasons, there might be an expectation within community groups that a project would take place but if it did not happen, people covered by the protected characteristics would not be negatively affected.


The final three projects were "Energise Gold", "Ladies Only Swimming" and "Community Chest".  "Energise Gold" and "Ladies Only Swimming" were targeted at people in particular protected characteristic groups (gender and age) and it had been noted that there would be an effect on these people if the sessions were to stop.  "Energise Gold" provided older people with a chance to be more active and could help to combat isolation.  The effects of these sessions were more around health and wellbeing of the participants as opposed to the protected characteristics.

Similarly, women who participated in the "Ladies Only Swimming" sessions benefited from the fact that they were run in closed pools.  However this was a benefit to their health and wellbeing, not to them being part of a protected characteristic group.  It had been concluded that although there would be an effect on people covered by the protected characteristics, this would not be detrimental and that the need for corporate savings and the possibility that there might be alternative methods of delivery, outweighed this.


The main project that had the largest effect on people covered by the Equalities Act was the "Community Chest" scheme.  Throughout its ten year lifespan the scheme had supported a large number of local projects that benefited all members of the community across all nine of the protected characteristics.  However, this was a project limited to a ten year period and the Grants Officers had been promoting alternative sources of funding to applicants over the last 18 months or so, which should mitigate some of the effects of the project closing.


One other change to the report presented to the Environment and Living Scrutiny Committee was that it was now proposed to maintain the "Play Around the Parishes" service, but examine different ways of delivery.  It was emphasised that the aim was to ensure that in respect of any service that was recommended for cessation, efforts would be made to secure continuance through an external partner.  Whilst undertaking this work, officers had continued to review how the Council delivered existing services and it was believed that by making changes to how the "Play Around the Parishes" project  was resourced and to the pricing structure, AVDC would still be able to deliver this valuable service.


Further feedback had also been received relating to the "Purple Flag" accreditation.  In the original report to the Scrutiny Committee it had been proposed that this should either be stopped or moved to a different team for delivery.  However, after undertaking further customer insight, it was believed that the service was highly valued, especially in relation to the night time economy in Aylesbury town centre.  It was therefore intended to continue with the scheme but at the same time look at possible alternative means of delivery.


The proposals (as amended from those reported to the Scrutiny Committee) would result in a reduction in the Council’s £1.7 million commitment to the community by approximately £265,000, whilst still maintaining key statutory and Council policy priorities.  The proposed new structure would be subject to formal consultation and it was noted that work would continue with external partners to facilitate continuance of any projects which it was proposed to cease.




That, having noted the position concerning "Play around the Parishes" and the Purple Flag scheme,  the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Leisure and Civic Amenities be authorised to implement the recommendations contained in the Appendix attached to the Cabinet report.






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